Codification Services

We provide our clients, both Iowa Cities and Counties, with a full range of codification services including, development of new codes, updates to existing codes of ordinances, legislative changes, online codes, and regular supplementing of codes.  We can also help our clients by providing samples of ordinances, assist with drafting ordinances, and providing code language.  While we are not attorneys, we are happy to work with the client’s official attorney to ensure that the language adopted by the City or County is enforceable by the jurisdiction while being understandable to citizens and elected officials.

Our online code service is a hosted service which provides our clients with a fully searchable online code that is mobile device friendly and is updated by our talented team on a regular basis determined by the client.  Additional features are available to users of the online code with a login to the online system.

Grant Writing Services

A key element of our service to our clients is grant writing and grant administration services.  While a majority of our grant writing and administration services are in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program we also assist clients with services related to other grant programs including:

  • Community Catalyst Grants
  • FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grants
  • COPS Program
  • FEMA Assistance to Firefighters
  • USDA Grant and Loan Program (Water/Sewer, Public Services, Public Facilities)
  • Iowa Department of Transportation Grants (RISE, State Recreational Trails, Federal Recreation Trails, TSIP, and others)
  • Iowa Department of Natural Resources REAP Program
  • Iowa Department of Natural Resources Derelict Building Program
  • Iowa Department of Natural Resources Brownfields Grant Program
  • Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship Water Quality Initiative Program
  • Private Foundations
  • Workforce Housing Tax Incentive Program

Under the CDBG Program we can write and administer grants under the Water/Sewer Program, Opportunities and Threats, Downtown Façade, Community Facilities, and Housing programs.  We have three IEDA certified and trained grant administrators in the CDBG program.

Planning Services

In addition to the codification services, grant writing, and grant administration services we also provide our clients with other needed planning services.  These services include the development of new Urban Renewal Plans (TIF) and Urban Revitalization Plans (tax abatement).  We also work with clients to provide amendments to their existing Urban Renewal and Urban Revitalization Plans.

Our team also conducts a number of blight assessments for clients including assessments on individual buildings, target neighborhoods, or community wide survey’s related to Urban Renewal or Urban Revitalization plans.

In addition to these main line services our team of dedicated individuals can assist clients with other services as needed.  Please feel free to reach out to us to discuss your situation and we’ll see how we can assist your community.